#Jill scott love rain her skin a canvas full
Umbrella took full advantage of the situation and sent in experimental B.O.W.s to test on the survivors. However, two months after the mansion incident, the investigation was ruined when Raccoon City's water supply was contaminated with t-Virus, causing thousands to mutate into zombies. However, this was slow-going her investigation was stalled not only by Chief Irons suspending her from the force and ordering her to remain at home, but her apartment seemingly being under constant surveillance. Valentine stayed in Raccoon City to investigate the whereabouts of Umbrella's underground facility, along with Brad Vickers before joining her comrades in Europe. Redfield went ahead alone to Europe in late August, while Burton relocated his family to Canada. With no support from the American government, Redfield, Burton, Valentine, and Chambers traveled to Europe to investigate Umbrella themselves. Once back in Raccoon City, S.T.A.R.S.'s request for a full-scale investigation of Umbrella's activities was denied by their superior, Chief of Police Brian Irons. Valentine arguing with Chief Irons along with Redfield, Burton, and Vickers - August 1998 A note authored by Jill Valentine on 27 September. For more detail on differing portrayals, see this page. This section is based on a game with branching story paths, or several games with conflicting accounts. With Wesker faking his death when activating a renegade bio-weapon designated " Tyrant", Valentine, Redfield, Burton and Bravo Team's Rebecca Chambers escaped the lab before its destruction on Vickers' helicopter. The dog attacks and cannibal murders were found to have been the result of the t-Virus, a bio-weapon which had leaked out into the surrounding area. Wesker was in fact on a mission from Umbrella to retrieve bio-weapons research, then destroy the laboratory and kill the S.T.A.R.S.
#Jill scott love rain her skin a canvas series
Valentine began to suspect Burton was working against the team, owing to a series of suspicious actions, but later discovered Wesker had manipulated Burton with threats against his family. Over the course of the night, they independently deduced that the mansion was a cover for a bio-weapons research laboratory under the control of Umbrella U.S.A., S.T.A.R.S.' biggest donor.

Within the mansion itself, the four-man team split up to explore.

Valentine, along with Wesker, Chris Redfield, and Barry Burton, fled into a nearby mansion, while Vickers, in shock, fled to the helicopter and abandoned the team. Finding the helicopter derelict and its RPD pilot, Kevin Dooley, dead and mutilated, Alpha Team was confronted by a pack of dogs, who then killed Joseph Frost. The following day, the Alpha Team was sent out to investigate their disappearance and continue their investigation. Bravo Team was sent out on the night of 23 July, and contact was subsequently lost. was ordered into the Arklay Mountains in search of a suspected hideout. With the Raccoon Police Department at a loss, S.T.A.R.S. In the Spring and early Summer of 1998, Raccoon City was haunted by the deaths of a number of hikers and suburban families, which involved both vicious dog attacks and group cannibalism. Valentine investigating Bravo team's helicopter - 1998 By July 1998, Valentine became the only woman to join Captain Wesker's Alpha Team, as the team's B&E specialist, positioned at the rear in manoeuvres with S.T.A.R.S. members during this time, including Chris Redfield, with whom she developed a close friendship and partnership, and under whom she often trained in marksmanship, and Forest Speyer who she already had a close friendship, and knew before S.T.A.R.S thanks in part to both having served in the United States Army. Despite keeping her special forces training and personal life a secret, she made friends with several S.T.A.R.S. Some time in 1996, Valentine was recruited by Albert Wesker for the Special Tactics and Rescue Service (S.T.A.R.S.), an elite unit of Raccoon Police Department (RPD) that relied on military veterans and weapons-trained scientists to solve serious crimes in Raccoon City, having only joined the unit due to their strong commitment to justice and desire to "experience the true feeling of life". This experience made Valentine one of the only women in the world with Delta Force training.

Despite her sex, Valentine was allowed to take part in the six-month intensive Operator Training Course, where she excelled in bomb disposal and lock picking and was known for her delicate though precise work, resilience, courage, and discernment amid the danger. In the early 1990s, Valentine served in the United States Army and got the attention of recruiters for Delta Force, the nation's primary counter-terrorism unit. Valentine's father was French, and her mother was of Japanese descent (a "Nikkei").